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Smoking = Drugs Smoking '
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Smoking = Drugs Smoking '
Jakarta, Although endangering itself and the people around him, in fact smokers are still in receive in people. Another subject with drug addicts, there is a definite law to criminalize him. Although actually smoking the same as by smoking drugs. "" Smoking is smoking drugs, "" explained Judim Sorimuda Pohan, SpOG from the National Commission on Tobacco Control when found in the IDI Seminar on 'Health Problems and Financing of Cigarette Smoking, Who Responsible? 'at the Hotel Manhattan Jl. Dr. Satrio Casablanca, Kuningan, Jakarta, Thursday (31/10/2013). According to Dr. Hakim, drugs are the name of a large group or familia, the genus of narcotics, psychotropic substances and addictive substances. Cigarettes are substances that are so addictive, even the level of addiction to conquer morphine, heroin and marijuana in other words marijuana. "With that, cigarettes are the side of drugs. Can not we sanction say that cigarettes are drugs. If you smoke, you are a drug addict, "" said the doctor who also served as a member of the House of Representatives. In different occasions, the judge explains that there are 6 levels of addictive substances based on medical knowledge, namely coffee addiction called the least addictive addiction, marijuana or marijuana addiction, alcohol addiction, heroin addiction, morphine addiction and nicotine addiction. This kind of thing is often not recognized by people because many who consider cigarette addiction is the most light addiction, though actually even nicotine is king of the king of substances that make opium. So do not be surprised if many smokers are so heavy in order to stop smoking. When compared with narcotics and psychotropic substances that make opium, nicotine is just one addictive substance that remains at risk even if used through the correct use. "" When narcotics are used in the right way, so it can be used to get rid of the pain of a sample of time people will also be surgery. Psychotropic, too, can alleviate the soul-rage person who goes berserk. But if nicotine, though used in the right way, is burned off the tip of the mouth is not inside, then sucked, it's the right step of use, but still risky, "" said Judge. (mer / up)
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Smoking = Drug Abuse 'Jakarta, Although endangering themselves and the people around him, in fact smokers are still accepted in the community. Unlike the case with drug addicts, there is a clear law to criminalize him. "Smoking is sucking drugs," "explains Dr. Judim Sorimuda Pohan, SpOG from the National Commission for Tobacco Control when met in the event IDI Seminar with the theme 'Health Problems and Financing of Cigarette Related Diseases, Who Responsibility? ' at Hotel Manhattan Jl. Dr. Satrio Casablanca, Kuningan, Jakarta, Thursday (31/10/2013). According to Dr. Hakim, drugs are the name of a large group or familia, the genus is narcotics, psychotropic substances and addictive substances. Cigarettes are highly addictive substances, even the level of addiction defeats morphine, heroin and marijuana alias marijuana. "" Thus, cigarettes are part of the drug. We should not hesitate to mention that smoking is a drug. If you smoke, you are a drug addict, "" said the doctor who also served as a member of the House of Representatives. In different occasions, Dr. Hakim explained that there are 6 levels of addictive substance (addiction) based on medical science, namely coffee addiction which is the lightest addiction, marijuana or marijuana addiction, alcohol addiction, heroin addiction, morphine addiction and nicotine addiction. This is often not realized by the public because many think cigarette addiction is the lightest addiction, whereas nicotine is the king of the king of substances that make opium. It is not surprising that many smokers are very heavy to quit smoking. When compared to narcotics and psychotropic substances that also make opium, nicotine is the only addictive substance that remains harmful even if used with the correct way of using. "" If narcotics are used in a way that is true, it can be used to relieve pain eg when people will be surgery. Psychotropic also so, can alleviate the soul gang keboo-ngamuk. But if nicotine, although used in the right way, burned the ends that are outside the mouth not inside, then sucked, that's how to use the right, but still dangerous, "" explained dr Hakim.
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